Cosmetics & Beauty
- Nowy
Cosmetic & Spa Store
- Nowy
Perfume and Cosmetics
- Nowy
Cosmetic & Perfume
- Nowy
Beauty Cosmetic
- Nowy
- Nowy
Cosmetic & Healthy
- Nowy
Cosmetic & Spa is fully responsive and it is the latest version of Prestashop Theme is dedicated for all stores selling cosmetic, things for make up, spa and perfums.
Compatybility: v1.7.0.0 - v1.7.x.x
Cosmetic & Spa is fully responsive and it is the latest version of Prestashop Theme is dedicated for all stores selling cosmetic, things for make up, spa and perfums.
Compatybility: v1.7.0.0 - v1.7.x.x
Cosmetic & Spa is fully responsive and it is the latest version of Prestashop Theme is dedicated for all stores selling cosmetic, things for make up, spa and perfums. It has many attractive animations, modern and attractive design.
Want to change the translations on this theme, or add any? No problem! Just use the translation tool integrated into the back office of your PrestaShop Store.
You can disable some functions and modules in the administration panel and the positions of some modules in the administration panel.